The Cholesterol Myth: What Really Clogs Our Arteries
574,792 views 24 Mar 2023 #Atherosclerosis #LipidProfile #HeartDiseasePrevention
Testing Total Cholesterol, HDL and LDL is a completely outmoded and outdated test which does not give any indicator as to whether or not we are a candidate for a heart attack. The video explains what actually clogs the arteries, some anatomy of the wall of the artery and how plaque forms and the better tests that are more up to date and should be added to our repertoire of blood work if we want to keep up with research on cardiovascular disease in the 21st century.
The truth is we are relying on a decades old testing paradigm that has never been shown to be of any value in predicting heart disease, and more importantly, many people have been put on very dangerous statin drugs when they did not need them in the first place.